About Us

Connecting with audiences is an essential part of growing your business! Here at TheHomeMag, we provide our readers with high-quality home improvement content, and we offer home improvement companies the opportunity to advertise their products and services through our magazine. Our targeted distribution strategy helps ensure that your ad reaches potential customers in your local area. Contact us today to learn more about our advertising options and pricing.

TheHomeMag History

TheHomeMag® story began in 2002 as a direct-mailed local home improvement resource to 100,000 residents in Lee County FL. Today, we are America’s largest home improvement targeted direct mail product [magazine, envelope, or other], mailing to over 9,000,000 single-family mailboxes monthly in 29 states & the District of Columbia.

Salt Lake City

Our Salt Lake City publication referred to as our Wasatch Front magazine, was first mailed in May 2014 to 130,000 homes, and we delivered twelve issues a year until 2018. We currently deliver our magazine thirteen times annually into the mailboxes of now 290,000 hand-picked homes, as well as an offering of Inserts and Card mailings.

TheHomeMag Today

Today, TheHomeMag is a collection of 65 corporately and franchise-owned publications collectively mailing more than 115,000,000 magazines and 100,000,000 cards & inserts annually. All of our publications produce their local edition of TheHomeMag with the same Customer Experience Mission: to clear the path to make it easy for our skilled and committed advertisers to work with us and to work for our homeowner audience.

What Is a Home Magazine?

A home magazine is a publication that focuses on home improvement and design. It often includes articles, tips, and product recommendations related to home renovation, decorating, landscaping, and more. Many home magazines also feature advertisements from home improvement companies. TheHomeMag combines this home magazine format with targeted direct mail distribution to bring the latest home improvement information and services directly to homeowners in local markets.

Along with our print magazine, when you partner with TheHomeMagazine, you also gain access to our experience with digital content and social media marketing.  Our team can help you create a comprehensive advertising strategy to reach potential customers and grow your home improvement business. Contact us today to learn more about our advertising options and pricing.

Ready to Take The Next Step?

When you partner with TheHomeMag, you're partnering with a proven leader in home improvement magazine advertising. We have a wide-reaching audience, and the experience to get the job done right. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help grow your business through targeted magazine advertising.